Interview mit NN&B v. Kerstin Kellermann

Sie war oft unsere Guest-Drummer_in.
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Norah Noizzze: Feministische Punk-Melodien unter Kakophonien

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sorry - nur auf deutsch / sorry - only in german

News from/Nachricht von number_5_is_alive / 10 Jan 2012
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Lyrics of some songs

  • Ladyfest Anthem
  • Obsessed
  • Sitting in a hetero bar
  • Underdogs
  • Winterdepression
  • Vulkan
  • Die Basis des Protests
  • Questions
  • MasturBate's Motel
  • Not Our Life

Lyrics in the "Read more"-section below!

News from/Nachricht von irizzz / 02 Jun 2009
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Press releases and press reactions, so far

"... listening to them is like driving into incoming traffic with your pants on your head." ... "The heavy presence of the guitar and Iris's distinctive voice captures something urban and living."

Diese dreiköpfige Formation ist sicher das coolste und punkigste, was die queere DIY Szene in Wien momentan zu bieten hat...."

Want to read more in English or German? ==> Click on the "Read More" butten under the pink line!

News from/Nachricht von irizzz / 26 May 2009
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