About Us

Picture of the band: Iris & Helga = Norah Noizzze and Band

Norah Noizzze macht seit dem Ladyfest Wien 2007 Musik.
Norah Noizzze makes music since ladyfest vienna 2007.

Von 2008 bis 2013 schaffte sich Norah Noizzze -  zur fixen Drei-queere-Personen-Band angewachsen - mit Schlagzeug, Bass, Gitarre, Keyboard und leidenschaftlichem Gesang ihren selbstbestimmten Raum zwischen Independent Pop und noisigem Rock. Garagenband ohne Garage, Underground aus dem zweiten (Proben-)Kellergeschoß, Alternative Songs für die Jetztzeit!
From 2008 until 2013 NN&B consisted of 3 queer persons - handleing drums, guitars, keyboards and our voices trying to create a space for our music between Independent Pop, noisy rock and a lot of other style elements. Garageband without garage, alternative songs from the 2nd basement - alternative songs for the Here and Now!

Zur Zeit besteht NN&B aus Irizzz und Helga und bewegt sich gerne mal experimentell zwischen alten und neuen Songs.
At the moment NN&B are Irizzz and Helga - moving between old and new songs - experimenting with the inbetween and the surrounds.

This is the site of Norah Noizzze & Band. At the moment we consist of 2 queer persons. We are based in Vienna, Europe. We handle drum computer, keyboards/synthesizer, guitars, bass guitars and vocals. And we create and play groundbreaking music, that will be looked upon as the proto punk of 2019 in later years. Be part of it, check it out, even today! :-)

Norah Noizzze & Band are:

  • Number 5 is alive on keys, vocals, drums, drum computer
  • Raffael Action Turtle (2008 - 2013) on drums, vocals, bass guitar
  • Norah Noizzze on guitar, bass guitar, vocals
  • Sometimes we have live guests that help us to handle all these instruments ;-)

News from/Nachricht von number_5_is_alive / 24 May 2009

Soundcheck im Fluc - 7.5.09

nett war's - hat uns sehr gefreut .)

News from/Nachricht von number_5_is_alive / 22 May 2009
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